Healing Attitudes

Guidelines (from Robert G. Smiths Traning Course I 2007) for change are based on the following foundations and concepts:

Healing Attitudes   Svensk version

  1. We are motivated by our internal reaction, which is driven by pain or pleasure.
  2. Everything we do is MOTIVATED by our feelings,.
  3. The avoidance of pain is the biggest and most powerful controller in our life.
  4. Fears, angers, stress, emotional traumas, guilt, sadness, rejection, abandonment and so much more are felt physically = STRESSED REACTION= PAIN.
  5. Your fears control your behavior. Fear can become your master [Fear—»Pain]
  6. Our bodies are mirrors of our emotional experiences, beliefs, fears, and attitudes.
  7. To see the body as anything except a means of communication is to limit your understanding of how the mind works and to hurt yourself.
  8. Our body tells the truth even when the conscious mind is unaware of the truth.
  9. Energy/action follows thought.
  10. What you focus on you get.
  11. The map is not the territory. The menu is not the meal. Our memory is not the real world. It is recorded information from an imperfect viewpoint of who we are and how we act. From these experiences we create a view or understanding of the world. It is our own perception, which is learned.
  12. Everything we say and do is a representation of our map (view of the world). We do not operate directly from the world but from our perception of it.
  13. Our inner worlds are triggered by sounds, words, and images, which bring the past experiences/feelings up to the present moment. All you have is right now.
  14. Whatever you believe with feeling will become your reality.
  15. What you believe to be true or not to be true powerfully shapes your perception of the external world.
  16. You attract into your life the people and circumstances that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts, beliefs, and fears.
  17. You don’t necessarily believe what you see, but rather you see what you already believe. Belief creates the actual fact. ”As a man thinks in his heart so is he.”
  18. We develop blind spots if we believe there are no other ways to do things. Our belief acts as if it were a screen or a filter. The nice thing about beliefs is, ”they are changeable.”
  19. Your brain will operate all by itself, or you can take control of it since it is yours.
  20. You are what you experience and how you perceive and maintain that experience.
  21. Your happiness comes from the level of control you have internally.
  22. We have an internal representational system (see, feel, hear, smell & taste) that is used to determine perception of the external world.
  23. Perception is learned.
  24. Our current problems are internal representations that are based from our old experiences, ideas, and beliefs, which are expressed physically.
  25. This expression/belief limits our ability to act in a logical controlled manner.
  26. The mind and body work as one because they arc one. What affects the body also affects the mind, and what affects the mind also affects the body.
  27. It is the physical reaction that internalizes our experiences and gives meaning to the external world.It allows the external world to become real on the inside.
  28. Memories seem real because they stimulate the body to feel their impact. They are your road maps from the past. They are written on the living cells of your brain and their meaning is subject to change.
  29. Memory is an active, synthetic process; therefore, you can change its meaning.
  30. Memories are not you; they are a distorted viewpoint recorded neurologically in your brain. Memories are flexible and changeable.
  31. Your outer world is a mirror and it reflects what is going on in your inner world.
  32. Since we operate from our inner perceptions, which are developed from our experiences, we have patterns, strategies, or certain ways of seeing, feeling and hearing things.
  33. We have life strategies or patterns, which are our inner guidelines that govern how we interact with the external world.
  34. Those who have more strategies and versatility in their life will have greater success and happiness.
  35. Our life is like a hologram. Each piece represents an aspect of the whole. Everything and everyone is interconnected. At the quantum level we are one. No matter what you think you are. You are always more than that.
  36. We have all the resources we need to create positive or negative changes.
  37. Your thoughts determine your values based on feelings and experiences, but it’s the feelings that influence your unconscious actions.
  38. What you resist persists.
  39. Emotional issues or traumas that are buried or ignored have unconscious control in your life. They will express themselves in the future in an uglier way.
  40. Pretending they don’t exist, pushing them away, or ignoring negative emotions only supports their power to control your life.
  41. Negative emotions that are buried can be felt when you revisit the memory. If you revisit the memory and can’t find any negative emotions you will discover that your perception has changed about the event.
  42. You have full control over your thoughts and over your body. If you keep your thoughts on what you want and keep them positive, the conditions and effects will follow. For every effect in your life there is a specific cause.
  43. Thoughts are causes and conditions are effects. The starting point of everything is your thoughts about something and the physical feeling allows it to be real inside.
  44. Living is learning. We are a learning mechanism.
  45. The person and the behavior are different. We are more than our actions.
  46. All behaviors are motivated by a positive (self-adaptive) intention.
  47. There are no broken people. People just have bad programs and ideas from which they operate. Their actions reflect what they have experienced or believe to be true. They are operating from a distorted point of view imposed upon them or created from their limited understandings. We are more than our behavior.
  48. Reality and meaning are created through relationships. Relationships are cybernetic and the meaning is context dependent.
  49. The nice thing about the past is, IT IS OVER and all you have is right NOW.
  50. There are triggers that stir up the past memories/feelings and bring them to the moment, and you can change their impactNOW with the right skills!
  51. You can create new feelings, good feelings right NOW by your focus.
  52. ”Feel good for no reason.” You can focus on a good memory and begin to feel its impact physically. Some use this same skill by keeping in focus all their bad memories and using bad tonality in order to ”feel bad for no reason.” NOW is a good time to change that program and practice ”feeling good for no reason”.
  53. Taking control of one’s life is a skill that must be learned just as driving a car. They both have benefits as well as disasters without proper training.
  54. You have full ownership of your mind and you have the ability to control what you feel, see, and hear. You are in charge of your mind and body; therefore, you are in charge of the results.
  55. You can change your life by changing how you represent the past, present and future within your mind and body.
  56. We are not disturbed by the events in our lives, but rather how we process and internalize them. So running from events will neversolve anything because you still have the internal representation.
  57. To solve our problems we must focus on how we represent or interpret the problems on the inside (the internal reaction, images, sounds which helps create an attitude, fear or belief) and then change them.
  58. There are things within our control and things not within our control. We become stressed when we try to control things, events, or others beyond our control. We have the ability to fully control how we feel on the inside.
  59. When we demand that things fit our understanding although they don’t, wishing they didn’t exist but they do, or feel like we have to deal with a problem when we don’t, we cause an internal misunderstanding of the external world.
  60. We must accept ourselves as imperfect human beings.
  61. We have the right to learn from our experiences and to evaluate our behaviors with the attitude of giving ourselves the right to learn.
  62. We are imperfect, but improvable. We are perfect in our imperfect way; therefore, we have the right to experience life without judgment.
  63. We have the complete ability to change how we represent each event by changing how we internalize the event.
  64. Events in life do activate a response within us, and it is our life experiences, beliefs, attitudes and fears that strongly influence how we respond.
  65. Emotional choice and happiness are possible when we learn how to take control of our internal representational systems. Take every thought captive.
  66. ”I am more than my actions, thoughts, deeds, and feelings! They are not I but expressions from my current understandings. I am a dynamic person who learns from my experiences and I am always changing.” ”I AM WORTHWHILE AND GOOD.”